Thursday, October 9, 2014

Parents dilemma and Tips!

Parents dilemma

Many parents are unaware who are their children befriending with on social networking sites and wonder why do their children spending too much time accessing the Internet, instead of doing school revision or homework.

The issue of cybercrime would be able to drag every individual from all walks of life regardless of children, adolescents and adults to the brink of concern. This issue need parents to monitor their children activities to ensure their safety and nothing negative would happen to them.

The increasing of cybercrime cases is worrying with statistics showing up to 88 per cent in 2012 compare to only 8,090 cases in previous year. An average of about 90 per cent from 8.5 children and teenagers aged five to eight years old are easily exposed to negative cyber phenomenon. The issue gets worsen as 94 per cent of Internet users in Malaysia are teenagers.

When talking about getting onto online, it can be accessed by using Internet that connected to computers. With the new technology revolution, to get onto online is much easier and convenience by using mobile devices such as laptop, smart mobile phone and iPad.

In this mobile world, children have the opportunities to get online from home and school through their mobile phones and games consoles. The Internet is being said can be of great benefit to children as a tool to help them with their homework and to connect with old and new friends. 

However, the Internet can also pose risks to our children. It is crucial to be aware of the dangers our children being exposed to and to know how to keep our child safe online.

Children must be able to show their parents what they do online and how it works. It is important for parents and guidance to have an understanding of the internet, how our children use it and the terminology used online. We must observe our children activities and who are people that they friend with.

Tips to help keep your child safe online:
  • talk to your child about the dangers posed by the internet
  • tell them what they should do if they become worried or concerned
  • explain that anything shared online or by mobile phone could end up being seen by anyone
  • understand what your child does online and know which websites they visit
  • put the computer where the whole family can see it, not out of sight in a bedroom use filtering software to block inappropriate sites 
  • propose safe websites where children can seek advice and guidance such as 

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