Saturday, April 23, 2016


PETALING JAYA, April 23 (Bernama) -- Speaking in front of the public can be a daunting task, let alone communicating about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) related subjects. Due accolades and recognition should be accorded to the ten finalists of FameLab Malaysia and five top listed schools for School Lab Malaysia. Both FameLab and School Lab are Science Communication Competitions targeting two different age groups held together for the first time at Petaling Jaya Live Arts Centre.   
Communicating science effectively and attractively to a non-scientific audience is an ongoing and growing requirements for researchers worldwide. There is a need to communicate effectively on how science and technology pervades our life.  Through these programs, we hope to inspire future generations of scientists, increase public understanding of it, and justify public funding for their research.

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